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iTunes Affiliate updates commissions (-4.5%)
iTunes Affiliate updates commissions (-4.5%)
Apple did an update on the iTunes affiliate commissions that will be effective on May 1st 2017.
Updates on Commissions :
Starting on May 1st 2017, commissions for all app and in-app content will be reduced from 7% to 2.5% globally. All other content types (music, movies, books, and TV) will remain at the current 7% commission rate in all markets. We will also continue to pay affiliate commissions on Apple Music memberships so there are many ways to earn commissions with the program.
To be clear :
- app and in-app content commissions will be reduced from 7% to 2.5%
- all other contents commissions will remain at 7%
Hard time for all the related businesses (websites,etc,…) doing some benefit with the iTunes affiliate program from Apple.
You own a website, an application or use the iTunes affiliate program from Apple and want to give your opinion. This is your turn.
Update about the initial communication from Apple
Commissions were updated but only for the iOS App – In-App and the iOS App – In-App Subscription and were reduced from 7% to 2.5% the 2017-05-05 14:00:00. My information was extracted on the 2017-05-07 from the affiliate panel.
Thanks to Ric from MacGamerHQ for pointing out this information.