Macintosh Performa 6360 and 6400
Macintosh Performa 6360 and 6400 introduction
Sécurité & Développement
The Macintosh (/ˈmækɨntɒʃ/ mak-in-tosh; branded as Mac since 1998) is a series of personal computers (PCs) designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. Steve Jobs introduced the original Macintosh computer on January 24, 1984. This was the first mass-market personal computer featuring an integral graphical user interface and mouse. This first model was later renamed to « Macintosh 128k » for uniqueness amongst a populous family of subsequently updated models which are also based on Apple’s same proprietary architecture. Since 1998, Apple has largely phased out the Macintosh name in favor of « Mac », though the product family has been nicknamed « Mac » or « the Mac » since the development of the first model.
Macintosh Performa 6360 and 6400 introduction